Template Inspinia - Responsive Admin

$ 39 USD

Name Template Inspinia - Responsive Admin
Category Template
Price $ 39 USD

Inspinia 2.9.4 package

Bootstrap 4.3.1

  • HTML5 Full Version
  • HTML5 Seed Project
  • .NET Core 3.0 Full Version (VS 2019)
  • .NET Core 3.0 Seed Project (VS 2019)
  • Ruby on Rails (6.0) (Ruby 2.7.1) Full Version (Sprocket assets pipeline)
  • Ruby on Rails (6.0) (Ruby 2.7.1) Seed Project (Sprocket assets pipeline)
  • Landing Page


  • Documentation
  • PSD Files (more than 50 main views and components full layered)


Please note that all images used in theme are presented only for the demo purposes. Images come from https://unsplash.com/ and https://uifaces.co/. Images are subjected to copyright of their authors.

Libraries used in theme: