Django Responsive WebApp

$ 79 USD

Name Django Responsive WebApp
Category Template
Price $ 79 USD

SmartAdmin Django Flavor is an extension of the original SmartAdmin - WebApp package, designed to take advantage of the power and flexibility of Django.

Django Features:

  • One-time payment, lifetime licence
  • Modern Django - SmartAdmin for Django works out of the box with the latest version
  • Curated Template and Application Structure - templates covering the full set of SmartAdmin WebApp pages, and additional pages specific to SmartAdmin for Django, to leverage Django's awesome template system.
  • Single- and Multi-Page Apps - the tempate system allows you to build page content which is shared across SPA and MPA applications.
  • Authentication - clean integration of Django's authentication system.
  • Create-Project Script - The Sadj distribution comes with a utility to quickly generate a new Sadj project, with a frame and a menu structure of your choice
  • Database Integration - end-to-end create/update/delete capability, including real-time notification back to the browser. Includes Django server code and browser JavaScript to make this as easy as possible.
  • Community Support Forum – By purchasing a copy, you become part of a large community base, SmartAdmin was first released in 2014, we have a strong community and many contributors who are always eager to help on our Support Forum.

SmartAdmin – an advanced UI Bootstrap 4 Admin and Dashboard – is built for the next generation. Its’ exceptional design contains vast collection of assorted reusable UI components integrated with latest jQuery plugins optimized to suit every modern web application project worldwide.

Other flavors sold separately

To see what these flavors has to offer, please check out our Other Flavors Page

Third party plugins:

  • @fullcalendar/bootstrap - 4.4.0
  • @fullcalendar/core - 4.4.0
  • @fullcalendar/daygrid - 4.4.0
  • @fullcalendar/interaction - 4.4.0
  • @fullcalendar/list - 4.4.0
  • @fullcalendar/timegrid - 4.4.0
  • bootbox - 5.4.0
  • bootstrap - 4.5.0
  • bootstrap-colorpicker - 3.2.0
  • bootstrap-datepicker - 1.9.0
  • bootstrap-daterangepicker - 3.0.5
  • bootstrap-markdown - 2.10.0
  • c3 - 0.7.15
  • chart.js - 2.9.3
  • chartist - 0.11.4
  • cropperjs - 1.5.6
  • d3 - 5.15.0
  • - 2.3.4
  • - 1.10.20
  • - 1.6.1
  • - 1.5.2
  • - 3.3.0
  • - 3.1.6
  • - 2.5.1
  • - 2.2.3
  • - 1.1.1
  • - 1.2.6
  • - 2.0.1
  • - 1.3.1
  • dropzone - 5.7.0
  • dygraphs - 2.1.0
  • easy-pie-chart - 2.1.7
  • es6-promise-polyfill - 1.2.0
  • flot - 0.8.3
  • flot-spline - 0.0.1
  • i18next-client - 1.11.4
  • inputmask - 4.0.9
  • ion-rangeslider - 2.3.1
  • jquery - 3.5.1
  • jquery-cropper - 1.0.1
  • jquery-mousewheel - 3.1.13
  • jquery-slimscroll - 1.3.8
  • jquery-sparkline - 2.4.0
  • jquery-throttle-debounce - github:myorangeca/jquery-throttle-debounce
  • jquery-ui - 1.12.1
  • jquery.flot.tooltip - 0.9.0
  • jqvmap - 1.5.1
  • jszip - 3.2.2
  • justifiedGallery - 3.7.0
  • lightgallery - 1.7.0
  • markdown - 0.5.0
  • moment - 2.25.3
  • nestable - 0.2.0
  • node-waves - 0.7.6
  • nouislider - 14.3.0
  • pace-js - 1.0.2
  • pdfmake - 0.1.65
  • peity - 3.3.0
  • popper.js - 1.16.1
  • select2 - 4.0.13
  • smartwizard - 4.4.1
  • summernote - 0.8.16
  • sweetalert2 - 9.10.5
  • toastr - 2.1.4


Be smart in 2023 and go with SmartAdmin. It's Okay to be Smart!