Django Admin Template

$ 49 USD

Name Django Admin Template
Category Template
Price $ 49 USD

Dashonic - Django is a fully responsive and creative Bootstrap 5 Admin & Dashboard Template. Whether you're creating a web app, dashboard, admin panels, or SASS-based interface than Dashonic Django helps you create the best possible web application projects. It has used gulp and scss variables-based modes along with RTL supported. You can quickly change the layout or mode by changing data attributes. No, write any code extra codes. We have written minimal code for the beautiful UI. We have used gulp for compiling scss and js files.

Key Features:

  • Build with Bootstrap v5.3.0
  • Build with Django
  • Dark, Light with RTL Supported
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Fluid & Boxed Layouts
  • W3C Validated HTML Pages
  • Gulp Based Workflow
  • Light-Weight Code
  • Easy to Customize with SCSS Variables
  • Lifetime Free Updates
  • Unlimited Template Possibilities
  • Chat, Calendar and Email Apps
  • Authentication & Error Pages
  • Profile, Invoice, Coming soon, Maintenance, Timeline, Pricing etc Pages
  • Font Based Icons
  • Google Fonts

Layout Features:

  • 8 Layout Features
  • Vertical & Horizontal
  • Light & Dark Modes
  • Fluid & Boxed width
  • Fixed & Scrollable positions
  • Light & Dark Topbars
  • Default, Compact & Small Sidebars
  • Light, Dark & Brand colored for sidebar
  • LTR & RTL supported

For Developers:

You can boost your development with Dashonic on Django, Gulp, Yarn, and SASS.

Browser Compatibility:

  • Chrome (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Firefox (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Safari (Mac)
  • Microsoft Edge
  • And other WebKit browsers

Customer Support:

The best possible 24/7 support experience is guaranteed via

Feature Request:

If you have any features that you would like to get in the upcoming updates please feel free to contact us at