Agile Dashboard and Admin Site

$ 39 USD

Name Agile Dashboard and Admin Site
Category Template
Price $ 39 USD

AgileAdmin is a premium admin dashboard template with flat design. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3.3.7 Framework, HTML5 and CSS3, Media query. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of Web applications like custom admin panel, app backend, CMS or CRM.


  • 3 Different Dashboards
  • 5 Different Demos
  • 6 Color Skins
  • Clean and Modern Landing Page Included (Free $18)
  • Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print
  • Megamenu
  • Lightbox
  • Summernote
  • Range Slider
  • Light and Dark Color Schemes
  • Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
  • 500+ pages
  • 500+ Ui Components
  • RTL Support Lots of widgets
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • 3000+ Fonts Icons
  • Fully Responsive pages
  • Lessbase CSS
  • Easy to customize
  • Many Charts Options
  • Multi File upload
  • Lots of Table Examples
  • Validation Forms
  • Lots of ready to use plugins.

Main Menu

  • Dashboard
  • Applications
  • Chat Application (New)
  • Mail box
  • Inbox detail
  • Compose mail
  • Contact / Employee Listing (New)
  • Contact / Employee Listing Variation (New)
  • Contact / Employee Details (New)
  • UI Elements (13)
  • Panels and Wells
  • Panel with blockUI (New)
  • Buttons
  • Sweat alert
  • Typography
  • Grid
  • Tabs
  • Stylish Tabs (New)
  • User Cards (New)
  • Modals
  • Progress Bars
  • Notifications
  • Carousel
  • List & Media object (New)
  • Timeline
  • Horizontal Timeline (New)
  • Nesteble
  • Range Slider (New)
  • Bootstrap UI
  • Stylish Tooltip (New)
  • Forms
  • Basic Forms
  • Form Layout
  • Form Addons
  • Form Material
  • Form with Float input (New)
  • File Upload
  • Form Mask
  • Form Validation
  • File Dropzone
  • Form-pickers
  • Image cropping (New)
  • Form-wizards
  • Typehead (New)
  • X-editable
  • Summernote (New)
  • Bootstrap wysihtml5
  • Tinymce wysihtml5
  • Proffessional
  • Sample Pages 15
  • Starter Page (New)
  • Blank Page
  • Lightbox Popup (New)
  • Email template (New)
  • Basic (New)
  • Alert (New)
  • Reset Password (New)
  • Billing (New)
  • Treeview (New)
  • Search Result (New)
  • Utility Classes (New)
  • Custom Scroll (New)
  • Login Page
  • Login page v2 (New)
  • Animations (New)
  • Profile
  • Invoice
  • FAQ
  • Gallery
  • Pricing
  • Register
  • Register V2 (New)
  • Recover Password
  • Lock Screen
  • Error 400
  • Error 403
  • Error 404
  • Error 500
  • Error 503
  • Charts
  • Flot Charts
  • Morris Chart
  • Chart-js
  • Peity Charts
  • Sparkline charts
  • Knob charts (New)
  • Extra Charts
  • Tables 7
  • Basic Tables
  • Table layouts (New)
  • Data Table
  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Responsive Tables
  • Editable Tables
  • FooTables
  • JsGrid Tables
  • Widgets
  • Icons
  • Font awesome
  • Themify Icons
  • Simple line Icons
  • Linea Icons
  • Weather Icons
  • Google Map
  • Vector Map
  • Calendar
  • Multi-Level Dropdown
  • Second Level Item
  • Second Level Item
  • Third Level
  • Third Level Item
  • Third Level Item
  • Third Level Item
  • Third Level Item
  • Log out
  • Support
  • Documentation
  • Gallery
  • Faqs
